Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Interior Design, Fixture Design, Project Management
THE PRESS ROOM was originally founded in 1976 and is the oldest, continuously-running music venue in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. After a year of complete renovation and redesign—with great effort to stay true to the spirit of the place—this hospitality project reopened as a much larger 3,500 square-foot, three-floor, state-of-the-art music venue with a new restaurant and enhanced menu. By understanding the sensitivity to the public regarding this noteworthy institution, we documented the location of key architectural elements and artwork throughout the bar in order to recreate specific moments that would have familiarity in the redesign. We incorporated salvaged materials from the old bar in strategic ways to keep recognizable textures at the forefront of the customer’s mind.
& Ter Meer, TriggerHouse, Winter Holben Architecture, Summit Engineering, Hammer Construction, Reuter Associates, Seacoast Consulting, Ambit Engineering, and Jared Kuzia Photography